Welcome to Rose-coloured

A light-hearted ephemera

Hello and welcome to Rose-coloured, the newsletter! It is, as the tagline suggests, a light-hearted ephemera! It’s also a place where I review books, complain about my cats, invite other writers and intelligent people to expound on interesting subjects, occasionally share recipes, record dialogues with my husband that must not go unrecorded, promote my writing in other places, and invite anyone who cares to to write back and have a conversation with me. I have always used the internet to share whatever I am thinking at the moment and hopefully entertain others—from LiveJournal to Facebook to Twitter (RIP) to blogs and now to newsletters. I hope you find something interesting here and I won’t blame you if some of it gets deleted half-read. The internet is a half-read sort of place.

If somehow you stumbled in here without knowing who I am, my name is Rebecca Rosenblum, I’ve worked in publishing in Toronto for a billion years, I’ve written four books that are pretty good, I’m obsessed with books and plants and public transit and cats and my husband, who is also an author. Those are the main things I like to talk about. Also food, swimming, and my friends. Maybe not in that order.

If you write me back, I’ll be delighted, but mainly, I’m just happy you are here. Thanks for reading.

Take care,



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